Texas Strategic Staffing in Action

Across the state, strategic staffing models for paid residency are having a positive impact on districts, campuses, and their staff and students. Texas Strategic Staffing has gathered case studies to show various models for paid residency in action within Texas districts. Below, you can explore a variety of perspectives on strategic staffing in these districts, as well as examine artifacts from their design and implementation with TSS.

Royal ISD & Prairie View A&M University

A Strong Partnership for Paid Residency

Royal ISD sits between Pattison, TX and Brookshire, TX, two small towns outside of Houston. They have developed a strong partnership with nearby Prairie View A&M University. See how the residents-as-substitutes model, developed through participation with TSS and ESC 4, fulfills district needs while ensuring excellent teacher preparation.

Resident Perspective

Teacher residents from Prairie View A&M give their perspective on their experience as employees at Royal ISD.

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EPP Perspective

Faculty from Prairie View A&M speak to how their educator preparation program (EPP) prioritizes excellence in teacher preparation, as well as the importance of stipends for residents and a strong partnership with the district.

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Residents-as-Substitutes Parameters

Parameters for the residents-as-substitutes model at Royal ISD. Parameters ensure that residents receive a strong preparation experience with their host teacher while also getting the opportunity to serve the district as substitute teachers.

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PVAMU Resident Job Description

The job description for teacher residents provided by PVAMU shows the clear expectations that the EPP sets for its residents.

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Fabens ISD & University of Texas at El Paso

Sustainable Pair Teaching in a Small District

Fabens ISD is a small district 40 minutes outside of El Paso. Through the TSS services provided by ESC 19, Fabens developed a Vacancy-Pair Teaching strategic staffing model in partnership with University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). See how this model addresses teacher vacancies, supports student learning, and expands the impact of highly qualified host teachers.

Resident and Host Teacher Perspective

A current resident, former resident, and their host teachers speak to their experience with the Pair Teaching model, including its positive impact on students.

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Leader Perspective

District and campus leaders explain the Vacancy: Pair Teaching model and discuss how the model works within their district’s overall talent strategy.

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Fabens ISD Strategic Staffing Model Presentation

This presentation from Fabens ISD lays out the strategic staffing model’s place within their talent strategy, including its financial sustainability.

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UTEP-Fabens ISD Resident Survey Data

This collection of survey results, from a survey administered by UTEP to teacher residents, provides proof points for the positive resident experience at Fabens ISD.

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