Teacher residency programs continue to grow in the state of Texas. Many educator preparation programs (EPPs) across the state offer high-quality yearlong teacher residencies in partnership with local school districts and charters. In April 2024, the State Board of Education approved the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) adopted the Texas Teacher Residency Preparation Route (TTRPR). Currently, EPPs across the state are applying to offer this first-of-its-kind enhanced certification for teachers prepared through a yearlong residency.
Prior to the adoption of the Texas Teacher Residency Preparation Route, TEA provided a list of Vetted Teacher Residency (VTR) programs. This list is still available to help identify which EPPs offer VTR programs while the TTRPR application process is ongoing.
The Texas Teacher Residency Landscape Tool provides a snapshot of vetted programs’ key features, including their identified partnerships. The goal is to provide easily accessible information that supports prospective district and school partners, local community organizations, and community college partners to understand local residency practices as they build talent pathway strategies. It has also been developed for prospective candidates to better understand local options for their teacher preparation pathway.
Note: The dashboard currently includes only programs under the previous Vetted Teacher Residency list.
US PREP Residency Impact
View external resourceBrief from Ed Trust
(local brief includes reports on retention and student outcomes)
View external resource