Statewide Texas Teacher Residency Programs and Practices

Teacher residency programs continue to grow in the state of Texas. As of Fall 2023, the state has vetted 37 programs for the purpose of LEA partnership in specific residency grants. The August 2021 TCLAS decision five grant for residency supports has provided technical assistance and funding to over 85 partnerships to design and implement sustainably funded paid teacher residency programs.

The Texas teacher residency landscape tool provides a snapshot of existing vetted programs’ key features, including their identified partnerships. The goal is to provide easily accessible information to prospective district and school partners, local community organizations, and community college partners, so that they can understand local residency practices as they build talent pathway strategies. It has also been developed for prospective candidates, to better understand local options for their teacher preparation pathway.  

Note: The dashboard reflects information from the 2022-23 school year, and may not include all currently vetted programs.


US PREP Residency Impact

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Brief from Ed Trust

(local brief includes reports on retention and student outcomes)

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Texas Tech Policy Brief

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Learning Policy Institute Research Report

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